Sunday, July 15, 2012

Church Service - 7/15/12 10:45 service

Service was pretty good today we had a guest speaker and he was good... I was already prepared for that because a lady said there was going to be a guest speaker when she was leaving. She went to the early service aka the laid back service lol... I was going to the early service at one point but it started conflicting with my late night schedule lol (not even like that)... Even though we had a guest speaker I still got some good notes and a lesson from the word thus resulting in a good Sunday... The life message this morning is no matter how the message is delivered or who speaks... The voice of god is always understood... hmmm yea I should put that on FB lol.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

One Shot Thought

It only brings out the pain that was crept up inside relative to the mistake one made even tho it was in the past.... You wish for another chance to mend your faults... The feeling can't be replaced but can be traced and forgiven... Tho it is not forgotten you still feel the possibility... One more to the head and you pray for a false hope but to you its at arms reach so what are you to do.. Replace it or retrace it... One more shot... - Jmoris McGowen

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Black Men's Apology: A False Love Letter To Black Women

I apologize for what I have done that is the negative of whats expected...

For walking a forced path of fear that will haunt our generations through time...

I apologize for the mindset I have developed that wont ever be understood instead be stereotyped...

Eternally branded into the minds of our childrens children...

For the creation of dead hopes with no foundation of love...

For the want of your bodies for lustful pleasures...

I apologize for protecting you in reverse...

Not for the mending of a broken side but the severing of a once patched up heart...

For that I apologize...

I apologize for the nights with the guys "Congrats for your new son" followed by my selfishness "babe do you really think we need this"...

For the "were to young" the "we were only friend though" and "It's not mine but ill pay half anyway"...

I apologize for leaving you alone in a hopeless state, a helpless fate to become a chain that I drag to the grave...

I apologize for leaving my wallet at home so you could "hold me down"...

I apologize for having your mind wrapped around shakin ya ass on a pole to make a living...

Guess that shit dnt matter long as im happy right???

I apologize for letting this drag out so long you thought I mean every word im sayin ...

You know what... I apologize for lieing like that cuz I really do mean it...

I apologize for making a joke of this poem Its supposed to be serious...

I apologize for sending flowers just because when they really were not for you...

Oh and the day I came home and let you smelled my dick to see if I was cheating again...

I apologize for showering at her house so you wouldnt know your sister was hoein...

I apologize for that quiet trip to the doctor with the pop that pussy song goin...

For the burning sensation I gave you cuz the truth is your sister really was hoein... Truth be told she was better...

I apologize for the beaping on the machine my phone fina die so I apologize but ima call you back....

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

notes I jotted down

What would you be without me or would you even be in my absence. abstinant is what you are from my mental. you are nothing more than cerebral leviathin never to understand the true light of a mind pure of drowning darkness. Out of my mind is were you stay. Out of my mine is where you stay. Double standard.-Jmo

I wana be in space between ya legs without milkin ya dreams away.-Jmo

Id rather be healthy and awake than sick and tired.-Jmo

Immune to the bullshit vaccines for insecurities.-Jmo

In the mist of summertime where would you lay your.... When summer rise. No maddness falls in the autumn but freezes over winter for 40 nights.-Jmo

Fuck ya 3 wishes ima just fuck ya in 3 positions.-Jmo

I often wish that I could save everyone and still drapped from my nooses.-Jmo

A thug is a baby waiting to cry when he stares down a barrel in the clutches of a nigga he now calls daddy. Screams out his gangster mating call one moment then the next nuts up and screams I ant pull the trigger......Bitch.-Jmo

Shroud you in a manifest of....-Jmo

You cant open a can of sardines expecting tuna.-Jmo

I'm quick to be disabled or dismembered but you see me stand on top of my shit.-Jmo

Lookin at myself this is what I dream to be. What I declare to never develop I became.-Jmo

When your famous you become the property of the people.-Jmo

Hence the imagination without the reality.-Jmo

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Untitled (Unfinished) A duet wit my patna Rahmond

( Rah Part ) Still working this cotton gin... wondering when this horrific torture will end...

Everyday i go out and work till every inch aches, until callused skin and blood blend.!

7 days a week 365 days a year i must be cautious..

Watching my people get whipped and beat makes my stomach permanently nautious

My mind in emotional trauma... so I rely on my soul

This forced bondage forces me to pay and take its high priced toll

( Jmoris Part ) No light in my eyes covered by my own fears of my spirit separating from the flesh I wish to give away

No loose lungs always collapsed by crys of peace hymns violated by crushed dreams of a held truth

To be a arms length from my life kept enclosed with the eye of the most high and i continue to ask

I am to realize my faith falls on the reality of your bondage relentless rage covered by false love but still rape the youth of there dreams of triumph

Is this how i am supposed to in vision my zion?

The river of Eden forms from my eyes as i frantically wash away the daymares i am forced to walk on air with by the decreasing minute

Nursing the failure of my people i am dared to step forth and poke a caved in chest out and demand my shackles be released from the mends to my skin

Am i to sacrifice such a burden when the faith of potential followers are breed to see only the failures where i am to be covered by their blood

My thoughts while I dangle..... from..... this...... tree...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Laker Nation

The site is legit no front on that. Im a die hard laker fan I been here since tha homie kobe and fish were rooks and kobe was throwin up air balls lol. So yuh LAK SHOW all the way.